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PS 376 SLT Minutes

Date: Monday, October 18, 2021

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: Virtual


Nathalie Perez-Hernandez, Jennfer Haig, Amanda Hamerman, Katy Falk, Tiffany Cortes, Andreina Perez, Patrina Louis, Annie Ross, Viviana Cora

4:01 pm

Meeting Start Time

4:05 pm

Ms. Hamerman reviews the agenda

4:07 pm

Review of September SLT meeting minutes

4:09 pm

Review SLT By-Laws:


Section 8: Responsibilities of School Leadership Team Members

This section outlines the purpose of SLT, which is to work on the CEP, establish an action plan on how to achieve CEP goals

Section 3 Meeting Attendance

Outlines attendance requirements for SLT members

Executive Session

Outlines circumstances under which executive session would be required

4:15 pm

Principals Report (Ms. Haig as designees) Upcoming Events


10/19 -Scarecrow Making Family Workshop (Grades K-2)

10/20 - Scarecrow Making Family Workshop (Grades 3-5)

10/28 -Hispanic Heritage Performance, will be held virtually

10/28 - Character Dress up day

10/28 - Community Harvest Celebration: Grades K-2

10/29 - Community Harvest Celebration: Grades 3-5

4:16 pm

SA President Report (Tiffany Cortes)


3:32 pm

Principals Report

Welcome back members and guests

Summary of Parent Communication Preferences meeting

System options: Remind, Operoo, Class Dojo, Parent Square

Survey for parents to select a system will be sent out and posted to the school site, open until 11:59 pm on Monday, 10/4/2021

3:35 pm

UFT Updates

Dial-a-Teacher is still active and an option for parents/students who would like homework help. Flyers will be available in many languages


PSA President Report

No report, PSA meeting will be taking place on Thursday, 9/30/2021

Ms. Cortes asked about coverage for Ms. Rivera for the CEP subcommittee, committees will be supported by staff members (info to follow). Ms. Amador and Ms. Cruz are supporting parent communication during Ms. Rivera’s absence.


Agenda concluded, recap of meeting


SLT Meeting adjourned

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